Anti-virus software that takes action on files based on reputation, or because a file is unsigned, may hinder the installation of the McAfee Agent when deployed via ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO). IMPORTANT: If you upgrade McAfee Agent using either the framepkg.exe file or an ePO task with no switches, VDI mode is removed from the agent. To install McAfee Agent 5.0.x using a URL, the command is: McAfeeSmartInstall.exe -v. framepkg.exe /Install=agent /enableVDImode. McAfee ePO server to upgrade products and update product content. Once McAfee Agent is installed, use the.Allows for information such as custom properties to be added on an individual system basis.McAfee Agent on each managed system individually. if you double click on it everything gets installed and then the machine shows up in the ePO console as a.

I created a new FramePkg.exe which works.